Сучасная культурная антрапалогія  Майкл Говард

Сучасная культурная антрапалогія

Майкл Говард
Выдавец: Беларускі Фонд Сораса
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Aaby, Peter 366
Aberle, David 53, 179, 362
Achebe, Chinua 258
Alam, Sultana 209
Amadi, Adolphe O. 102, 103
Anderson, Barbara G. 375, 387
Angrosino, Michael 59
Arnove, Robert F. 104
Asad, Talal 304
Ayanga, Hazel 218
Bailey, Frederick 308
Barnett, Homer G. 365
Barrett, Leonard E. 346, 350
Barth, Frederick 278
Beattie, John 83, 160. 161
Belshaw, Cyril S. 144
Benedict, Ruth 39
Berlin, Brent 84
Berndt. Ronald 205, 332
Berreman, Gerald 62, 219
Bhattacharji, Sukumari 210
Bhola, Harbans S. 104
Bickerton, Derek 98
Birdwhistell, Ray L. 81
Blaug. M. 102
Bloch, Maurice 45
Bohannon, Laura 173, 185
Bohannon, Paul 185
Boissevain, Jeremy 310
Bolinger, Dwight 89
Boserup, Ester 20
Bossen, Laurel 418
Brady, Ivan 56
Braverman. Harry 293
Briggs, Jean 248
Buchbinder, Georgeda 201
Budd, Richard 1. 80
Burling, Robbins 312
Burridge, Kenelm 367
Campbell, J.K. 201, 206, 222
Cancian, Francesca 326
Carroll, Vern 233
Cawte, John 389
Chagnon, Napoleon A. 342
Chandler, Michaele 228
Chetley, Andrew 395
Chignell, Arthur Kent 372
Chodorow, Nancy 253
Claessen, Henri J.M. 316, 318
Clammer, John R 84
Cohen, Abner 166
Cohen, Margot 406
Cohen, Nathan 382
Colson, Anthony C. 390
Conklin, H.C. 47
Cowgill, George 318
Crambs, Jean D. 402
Crane, Julia 59
Crosby, Alfred, Jr. 378
Curr, E. M. 273
Curtain, Philip 124
Dagmar, Hans 58
Dahl, Gudrum 120
Damas, David 284
Datta, V.N. 228
Davis, D.L. 200
DeCamp, David 92
Dentan, Robert P. 242, 243.
244, 245
Divale, William 226
Dobbs, Michael 259
Dobzansky, Theodosius 12
Domhoff, G William 282
Draper, P. 112
DuBois, Cora 67
Dumont, Louis 46
Dunn, Frederick F. 377, 382
Durant, Will 289
Durkheim, Emile 37, 386
Duvignaud, Jean 65, 180
Eidheim, Harald 96
Elmberg, John-Erik 144
Elwood, J.M. 379
Epstein, A.L. 223
Evans-Pritchard, E.E. 227, 388, 391
Eysenck, Hans J. 376
Fabrega, Horacio, Jr. 394
Farwell, Byron 28
Ferguson, Charles 94
First, Ruth 369
Fortes, Meyer 231
Foster, George M. 284, 375,
Foster, Philips 381
Foulks, Edward F. 385
Fouts, Roger 80
Fraenkel, M. 280
Freeman, Derek 56
Fried, Jacob 386
Furst, Peter 361
Gajdusek. D C. 377
Galbraith, John K. 215
Geertz, Clifford 48
Gillen, F.J. 338
Glasse, Robert M. 220
Gluckman, Max 44, 227. 328.
Godelier, Maurice 46
Goodale, Jane C 216
Goodall, Jane 19
Goodland, Robert 381
Goody, Jack R. 103,
182, 188
Graburn, Nelson 355
Graham, Stella Efua 256
Grossarth-Maticek, R. 376
Gumerman. George J 137
Gumperz, John 92
Hagesteijn, Renee 318
Hall, Edward T. 82
Hansen, Edward 335
Harden, Blaine 231
Haring, Douglas 40
Hamer, J. 361
Harner, Michael 361,362
Harris, Marvin 226
Hart, C.W. 216
Helms, Mary W. 285
Henry, Donald O 111
Henry, Jules 256
Herdt, Gilbert 207
Heston, Alan 351
Hiatt, Les R 353
Hicks, Frederick 341
Hoebel, E. Adamson 177
Hoffman, A. 361
Hogbin, Ian 206
Holm, John 91
Holtved, Erik 362
Horwood, Harold 411
Hough, Richard A. 199
Howard, Michael C. 59, 60, 61, 162, 226, 248, 278, 280,-284, 286, 310, 315, 335. 368, 380, 411
Hughes, Charles 380
Hume, David 275
Hunt, Edward E.J. 377
Hunter, John 380
Hvalkof, Soren 366
Hymes, Dell 93
Ignatius, Adi 383
Irwin, Howard 381
Ishige, Neomichi 383
James, Wendy 415
Jansen, G. 393
Jennings, Nicholas 356
Joseph, Ammu 228
Kaufman, Terrence 91
Kay, Paul 84
Kennedy, John G. 384
Kolosi, Tamas 296
Kroeber, Arthur P. 266
Kuhn, Thomas S. 17
Lambert, Wallace 95
Langness, L.L. 220
Lanternari, Vittorio 166, 346
Laracy, Hugh 368
Layton, Robert 354
Leach, Edmund 146
Leach, Jerry 146
Leacock, Eleanor 45, 418
Lee, PR. 395
Lee, Richard 63
Ldvi-Strauss, Claude 46, 65, 213
Levine, Nancy 219
Lewis, Oscar 246
Lewis, Philip 354
Lieban, Richard W. 392
Lienhardt, Godfrey 351
Linden, Eugene 390
Lindenbaum, Shirley 377
Little, Kenneth 165
Long, Norman 291
Lydecker, M. 395
Maclean, Una 391
Maddock, Kenneth 220
Madsen, William 365
Malefijt, Annemarie de Waal 356, 359
Malinowski, Bronislaw
36, 202
Marett, R.R. 356
Mariner, William 229
Martin, M. Kay 179
Martin, M.K. 112
Martinez-Alier, Verena 275
Maybury-Lewis, David 52, 62
McDaniel, Chad K. 85
McLean, Scilla 256
McWilliams, Cary 325
Mead, Margaret 39, 342, 385
Meggitt, Mervyn J. 340, 352, 353
Meillassoux, Claude 46
Meintel, Deidre 64
Melotti, Umberto 45
Melrose, D. 395
Merbs, C.F. 377
Millar, Susan Bolyard 224
Mink, Barbara 209
Mooney, James 367
Moorehead, Alan 204
Morgan. Lewis Henry 31
MOrner, Magnus 275
Morris, Desmond 82
Motolinia, Toribio 378
Mouer, Ross 247
Muller, M. 395
Munson, Henry 369
Murphy, Robert F. 203, 207,
Murphy, Yolanda 203, 207, 212
Myerhotf, Barbara 349, 361
Myers, Fred R. 141, 350
Nanda, Sevena 265
Nash, Dennison 64
Nash, June 418
Newman, Philip L. 356
Nind, Scott 83
Ogden, Schubert M. 369
Olshansky, S. Jay 401
Onwuejeugwu, M. Angulu 186
Ortiz de Montellano, Bernard R. 389
Patterson. F. 80
Pettengill, John S. 341
Pigafetta, Antonio 208
Pilling, A.R. 216
Premack, A.J. 80
Premack, D. 80
Prieto, Abel 104
Rane, Wishwas 395
Rappaport, Roy A. 116. 201
Reaves, Dick 146
Redfield, Robert 245
Rees, Judith 408
Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo 66, 245
Reid, Anthony 208
Riesman, David 249
Ritchie, Jane 205
Ruhler, Merritt 88
Saberwal, Satish 103
Sackett, Lee 259
Safa, Helen 418
Sahlins, Marshall 143