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  • Жывапіс Віктар Альшэўскі


    Віктар Альшэўскі

    Памер: 118с.
    Мінск 2010
    58.49 МБ
    The Legends of Our Civilisation are Belarusian Belynichi and Shklov, Krichev and Osipovichi, Bobruisk and Mogilev ... This is a small but a considerable part of the world, where I've returned after my journeys along the remote countries. I've prepared a creative report for my wise and talented fellow countrymen while wishing to share the acquired discoveries. This is a powerful, genetic and inseparable tie of various times, cultures, countries and nations. I try to bring the thought that culture is an organic unity of the earth civilisation.
    The Tower of Babel is a mythological image of humans' aspiration towards unlimited knowledge. 'The Fragments of the Tower of Babel' are an example of joint activities of peoples for the sake oftheirdream, which was transformed into the construction of the tower. The Biblical parable about the construction of the Tower of Babel testifies to humanity's vain efforts to become closer to the God via material activity.
    Another tower-that of spiritual culture-has been created on the Earth for thousands of years. Each civilisation, each nation and person laid their bricks into the foundation of this tower, as well as they laid their understanding of life's essence, their destination on the Earth and spiritual development. Let's call this tower the Great Tower of Babel in acknowledgment of our understanding of the mistaken route, chosen by the pre-Biblical peoples.
    Human consciousness relies on fragmentary thinking. Impressions, received during life, are fragments of human's earth wandering, which form them as a personality. The world consists of particles while human consciousness consists of fragments of world perception.
    We understand a fragment as being a component and integrity appears as a result of definite harmonious interrelations of historical epochs. However, integrity remains a fragment of another, more significant and powerful model of the world a phenomenon, a subject, etc. Everything in the world exists according to this model: continents and islands are fragments of the earth; oceans, seas, lakes and rivers are fragments of water; earth and water are fragments of the planet Earth; planets are fragments of a particular space system, while the latter are united into fragments of the University, followed by... infinity.
    A person, being a part of the nation and civilisation, is an active fragment of their formation and a participant of their development. At the same time, during their life, people create their own spiritual culture and integral inner world from separated
    subjects and impressions. This activity is continuous, starting from first impressions when a person is born and finishing with their last breath.
    Today, we perceive separated fragments of earth civilisations. Time destroys and removes the footprints of human efforts in material culture while sending the achievements of spiritual culture into nothingness. Unfortunately, this is often done by people themselves (via wars, ignorance by ideologists and politicians, religious fanaticism, barbarism, non-education). Numerous events of the past have been captured in architectural buildings, stone and metal sculptures, written language' semiotic systems and music. Incredible layers of forms and signs' sense form the historical memory, human knowledge, as well as cultural and spiritual content while giving a feeling of infinity and eternity of oursoul.
    Our contemporary culture is a fragment laid into the wall of the Great Tower of Babel our common spiritual idea, which should bring us closer to the truth. It combines specificity and infinity, the joy of new discoveries and disappointment in former views, the creation and destruction simultaneously. This is a house, a city, Earth and infinity of cosmic space, reflecting the way of humanity. We go into future via our past while perceiving its events and acquiring experience via our own impressions. A person without historical memory, thrown from humanity's thousands of years of experience, is like a fish in dessert sand. The Great Tower of Babel combines spiritual achievements of real people and nations, as well as experience of mythological images.
    The Fragments of the Tower of Babel isn't only an artwork, comprising of 13 canvases, but my entire creative route, where I try to express the interrelations of various civilisations. These are conventionally depicted on the pictures, via images of sites, which have become 'calling cards' of these civilisations, countries and peoples.
    Thirteen canvases are thirteen fragments of the Tower of Babel, which reflect ancient Egypt with its geometrical exactness and mathematical formulae of the Universe. This is a key to unravel the mystery of stone Sphinx's smile and of the earth civilisation a whole. Angkor Wat is Cambodia's cultural monument. It is one of the places on the Earth, where the Divine energy (passing through the entire Universe) contacts the earth civilisation producing an unlimited fantasy of forms and inimitable magic melody of infinity and beauty in stone. Nearby, there are Persepolis (Iran), the Mayan pyramids (Mexico), a fragment of Viking 'drakkar' (boat), and magnificent and fairytale Mahabalipuram (India).
    China is presented by its 'Terracotta Army' Qin Shi Huang warriors from Xi'an (over 8,000 terracotta sculptures). This is a unique and unrivalled worldwide cultural monument. Alongside warriors of various troops, there're horses put into carts. The
    Victor AJshevski
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    exactness of each figurine impresses and you can hardly find two similar sculptures. Ethnic peculiarities of the Qin Dynasty period (221-206 BC) are very bright, making the 'Terracotta Army’ an extraordinary example of human genius.
    Each of the fragments of the picture is a special and unique monument of the Earth's cultural heritage.
    Syria is presented by Palmyra, Jordan by Petra and Asia Minor-by Pergamon Altar. Belarus is presented by the'symphony' of the Mir Castle, which reflects the architectural model of European Renaissance. The castle in Mir is the pride of our country.
    The Venetian lion and Kremlin chimes create a wheel of infinity of time, movement of planets and astrological signs of Tranquillity and Equilibrium.
    Ephesus' Caryatids, Turkey's Cappadocia and graceful Ionic sculptural columns of Athens' Acropolis are masterpieces of our civilisation. Dazzling perfection of harmony and proportions of masterpieces from Iran, Jordan, Israel, India, Japan, Babylon, Spain, France, Germany, the UK, Norway, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, African and American countries and all small and big countries of the world are fragments of the Tower of Babel. This is human genius, which creates and improves our soul and the future of earth civilisation.
    The Fragment of the Tower of Babel is an attempt to unite the world and to show our contemporaries how strongly we're connected with the close and the distant in space and in time alike. People and nations are mutually dependant and time is a continuous flow. I want to bring to people my idea that humanity is one big family and we should live in mutual respect, tolerance and mutual understanding. Today we should preserve our common Great Tower of Babel and to give our descendants a chance to continue its construction. I hope that my understanding of this idea will also become a brick in its foundation. Within centuries our construction 'wreath' will become a foundation for building of new towers. Each generation will leave its information layer in it, as well as its intellectual and spiritual contribution, acquired through sufferings and joys.
    Alongside landmark architectural monuments, the Fragment of the Tower of Babel unites cultural monuments in a broad sense: those referring to science, music, literature and all types of creative and spiritual activity of a person on Earth. This is a common spring of spiritual energy. In my creative works, the Tower of Babel comprises knowledge, experience and opportunities to speak about our civilisation as an inseparable single unity of humanity's culture and spirituality. We travel all over the globe and admire wonderful monuments and sometimes their fragments, which have miraculously escaped, belonging to various epochs and nations. Such trips enables us to understand deeper our own individuality
    and to feel that eternity is close to us and we are its contemporaries and witnesses.
    We often try to divide the indivisible while we have to establish bridges of overall harmony. The Tower of Babel like eternity absorbs creative discoveries of the humanity. Travelling in Time and along the Universe is like climbing the steps of the Tower of Babel. By joining a stone with another stone, a brick with another brick, we receive joint discoveries, aiming to expand human horizons, as well as collective labour to preserve cultural treasures while revealing universal intellectual and spiritual knowledge.
    In its essence the Fragments of the Tower of Babel are a project, aiming to look into the future. This is a route from the past into the unknown.
    The Legends of Our Civilisation exhibition started the project, symbolically begun by me in the Year of our Native Land. The exposition took place in Belynichi, Shklov, Krichev, Osipovichi, Bobruisk, Mogilev and will be hosted by Minsk. It's dedicated to my small homeland, where I was born and where my journey into the world of dreams began. I hope to capture historical personalities and our contemporaries in portraits and to capture the history and cultural monuments, as well as the events of small and large Belarusian cities, in colour on canvases. I'm sure these all will harmoniously become 'golden bricks' for the foundation and walls of the spiritual Tower of Babel, symbolising the unity of spiritual culture of humanity and beauty of each particular country and the whole planet.
    а. Фрагменты Вавілонскай вежы, 2009-10. Палатно, алей, 400 х 300 см.
    Фрагменты Вавмлонской башнм, 2009-10. Холст, масло, 400 х 300 см.