Павел Масленікаў

Павел Масленікаў

Выдавец: Беларусь
Памер: 83с.
Мінск 2013
19.21 МБ


Аўтаматычна згенераваная тэкставая версія, можа быць з памылкамі і не поўная.
The landscape Vesnyanka (1993) is noted by unusual transparency and silence. The play of light on the water surface creates a melody of sensual beauty of nature. The texture of water, ice and snow, a riverside bush, a drooping
winter sky and an ice edge are distinguished in subtle colour nuances. Ringing transparency of the air, fluent melody of a slow river in its winter sleep is a fine and natural work of the artist who listens carefully to the sounds of nature.
The water element on the paintings of P.V. Maslenikau is highlighted by the blue of the bosom of the sea, the emerald of a forested shore, the metallic glitter of bitterly cold lakes, the greyish veil of a fog over swamps, the turquoise gentle calmness of a morning awakening sea, purple reflections at the water surface at the sunrise. Water spaces of Belarus are depicted in many landscapes in different seasons: On the Isloch (1974), The Evening of Kupalle (1986), The Pripyat is a Water Artery of Polesye (1987), On Vyacha (1989), After the Rain (1993), On the Land of the Poet (1995), etc. Awakening nature is gaining strength in the landscape Spring. Vyacha (1993). Dark water stagnant over the winter is filled with calm, sound and colour longueurs, evenness of the stroke and freezing harmony of the light spectrum.
The work Lonely Sail (1973) is wonderful in the mood and colour. It is a poetic image of the Minsk Sea. Rays of the setting sun are reflected in the calm Minsk reservoir that at the same time is full of movements, metamorphoses, the play of light and kaleidoscopic peacefulness. An equipped beach and a silhouette of the then new hotel Yunost are loomed in the panorama view. An edge of a stone shore is at the forefront. But it is the water surface that attracts attention. Thinness and transparency of the paint layer, mobility and discontinuity of short horizontal strokes of transparently muted colours (blue, pink, emerald, greenish) create a sense of warmth, softness, freshness and quiet joy. A white sail hardly quivers in calm water casting its own shaky reflection. A coloured ray-sound breathes, shines and rings, the space is filled with the air, light and a gentle breeze.
The artist was delighted by clouds. Peering into the sky he always saw and noticed unrivalled beauty and every time exclaimed: “Look! What clouds! Id love to catch this state and reproduce it on canvas”.
Heavy, dense and volumetric clouds hang Over the Fields (1992). Their concentrated power enchants and as if reveals and deciphers the time of late summer and a ripening field of grain, which absorbed life-giving sources of
celestial and terrestrial forces. Through ever changing clouds the artist observed Hot Day (1993) and Late Autumn (1981), Evening at the Pripyat (1982) and Earing up Rye (1973).
The painting Belarusian Land (1973) is really prominent in the creative work of the artist due to its power of figurative synthesis. The stele of the Mount of Glory that commemorates the heroism of the Slavic peoples soars to the ever changing clouds.
Heaven became the last and unfinished work of P.V. Maslenikau. Dense, volumetric and multi-layer clouds illuminate a hardly noticeable and only marked by the artist’s brush figure of an angel, which generates streams of light connecting the sky and the earth and bringing hope to a man, an artist, his creative worlds.
A small boulevard leads to the entrance of the Mahileu Regional Art Museum that has borne the name of Pavel Maslenikau since 1997. The boulevard connects the museum with the central street of the city — Pervomaiskaya Street. It is the place where a bust is installed amidst birches that the artist loved to paint so much. The author of the bust is the sculptor U.M. Lyatun. Uladzimer Mikhailavich has recreated in bronze a collective image of the artist to whom pathos and formality were not characteristic. A calm face expression, a beret and an open sweater collar. The look is directed to the native city, to its outskirts where he was born and where he spent his school years and where he returned presenting to his countrymen a large collection of his paintings, in which he created unique and enchanting images of the native land, his own world, where reality is entwined with poetry, painting is filled with music, expression verges into theatralization.
Pavel Maslenikau left rich creative heritage. While alive, the artist donated around 140 his works to the regional museum. He wrote in the dedication: “To the native Mahileu land, to my dear unforgettable parents, to wise and industrious countrymen with reverence and filial piety”.
Vera Prakaptsova
Зямля беларуская. 1973.
Земля белорусская. 1973.
Belarusian Land. 1973.
Туман разыходзіцца. Восеньская імгла. 1961.
Туман расходится. Осенняя мгла. 1961.
Fog Clears Up. Autumn Darkness. 1961.
На ўскраіне Мінска. 1963.
На окраине Минска. 1963.
At the Outskirts of Minsk. 1963.
Мінск. 1964.
Минск. 1964.
Minsk. 1964.
Карпаты. 1969.
Карпаты. 1969.
The Carpathian Mountains. 1969.
Карпаты. 1969.
Карпаты. 1969.
The Carpathian Mountains. 1969.
На залатым пляжы. 1970.
На золотом пляже. 1970.
At a Golden Beach. 1970.
Малы Чамал. 1972.
Малый Чамал. 1972.
The Maly Chamal. 1972.

Закаласілася жыта. 1973.
Заколосилась рожь. 1973.
Earing Up Rye. 1973.
Зіма ў Беларусь 1974.
Зима в Беларуси. 1974.
Winter in Belarus. 1974.
Люты ў Карпатах. 1971.
Февраль в Карпатах. 1971.
February in the Carpathian Mountains. 1971.
Лясны далягляд. 1976.
Лесной горизонт. 1976.
Forest Horizon. 1976.
Лясны гушчар. 1982.
Лесная чаща. 1982.
Wild Forest. 1982.
У зімовым лесе. 1982.
В зимнем лесу. 1982.
In the Winter Forest. 1982.
Паводка. 1981.
Половодье. 1981.
High Water. 1981.
Крым. Мора. 1981.
Крым. Море. 1981.
The Crimea. The Sea. 1981.
Свіслач раскрываецца. 1992.
Свислочь раскрывается. 1992.
The Svisloch Opens. 1992.
Павеяла вясной. 1983.
Повеяло весной. 1983.
Smells Like Spring. 1983.

Пакінуты хутар. 1986.
Брошенный хутор. 1986.
A Forlorn Farm. 1986.
Зімняя раніца. 1993.
Зимнее утро. 1993.
Winter Morning. 1993.
Зімні лес. 1989.
Зимний лес. 1989.
Winter Forest. 1989.
Завіруха. 1990.
Метель. 1990.
Blizzard. 1990.
Світанне над Дняпром. 1982.
Рассвет над Днепром. 1982.
Sunrise at the Dnepr. 1982.
Захад над Прыпяццю. 1989.
Закат над Припятью. 1989.
Sunset at the Pripyat. 1989.
Палі апусцелі. 1982.
Поля опустели. 1982.
Empty Fields. 1982.
Вечар на Вячы. 1993.
Вечер на Вяче. 1993.
Evening on Vyacha. 1993.
Вяснянка. 1993.
Веснянка. 1993.
Vesnyanka. 1993.
Старыя прысады. 1993.
Старая аллея. 1993.
Old Alley. 1993.
Эскіз дэкарацыі да оперы А. Туранкова «Яснае світанне». 1958.
Эскиз декорации к опере А. Туренкова «Ясный рассвет». 1958.
A decoration sketch for the opera
Bright Dawn by A. Turankou. 1958.
Эскіз дэкарацыі да балета В. Салаўёва-Сядога «Тарас Бульба». 1956. Эскиз декорации к балету В. Соловьева-Седого «Тарас Бульба». 1956.
A decoration sketch for the ballet Taras Bulba by V. Solovyev-Sedoi. 1956.
Эскіз дэкарацыі да п’есы В. Віткі «Шчасце паэта». 1952.
Эскиз декорации к пьесе В. Витки «Счастье поэта». 1952.
A decoration sketch for the play Happiness of a Poet by V. Vitka. 1952.
Эскіз дэкарацыі да п’есы В. Дуніна-Марцінкевіча «Пінская шляхта». 1954. Эскиз декорации к пьесе В. Дунина-Марцинкевича «Пинская шляхта». 1954.
A decoration sketch for the play Shlyakhta of Pinsk by V. Dunin-Martsinkevich. 1954.
Эскіз дэкарацыі да балета Л. Мінкуса «Баядэрка». 1959. Эскиз декорации к балету Л. Минкуса «Баядерка». 1959. A decoration sketch for the ballet La Bayadere by L. Minkus. 1959.
Эскіз дэкарацыі да оперы Ц. Кюі «Мадэмуазэль Фіфі». 1958.
Эскиз декорации к опере Ц. Кюи «Мадемуазель Фифи». 1958.
A decoration sketch for the opera Mademoiselle Fiji by C. Cui. 1958.
Эскіз дэкарацыі да оперы А. Панк’елі «Джаконда». 1962. Эскиз декорации к опере А. Понкьелли «Джоконда». 1962.
A decoration sketch for the opera La Gioconda by A. Ponchielli. 1962.
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Список иллюстраций
List of illustrations
Зямля беларуская. 1973. Палатно, алей. HMM РБ.
Земля белорусская. 1973. Холст, масло. НХМ РБ.
Belarusian Land. 1973. Oil on canvas. The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Туман разыходзіцца. Восеньская імгла. 1961. Палатно, алей. HMM РБ.
Туман расходится. Осенняя мгла. 1961. Холст, масло. НХМ РБ.
Fog Clears Up. Autumn Darkness. 1961. Oil on canvas. The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Ha ўскраіне Мінска. 1963. Палатно, алей. HMM РБ.
На окраине Минска. 1963. Холст, масло. НХМ РБ.
At the Outskirts of Minsk. 1963. Oil on canvas. The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Мінск. 1964. Палатно, алей. HMM РБ.
Минск. 1964. Холст, масло. НХМ РБ.
Minsk. 1964. Oil on canvas. The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Карпаты. 1969. Кардон, алей. Прыватны збор.
Карпаты. 1969. Картон, масло. Частная коллекция.
The Carpathian Mountains. 1969. Oil on cardboard. The private collection.
Карпаты. 1969. Палатно, алей. Прыватны збор.
Карпаты. 1969. Холст, масло. Частная коллекция.
The Carpathian Mountains. 1969. Oil on canvas. The private collection.
На залатым пляжы. 1970. Кардон, алей. Прыватны збор.
На золотом пляже. 1970. Картон, масло. Частная коллекция.
At a Golden Beach. 1970. Oil on cardboard. The private collection.
Малы Чамал. 1972. Палатно, алей.
Малый Чамал. 1972. Холст, масло.
The Maly Chamal. 1972. Oil on canvas.
46 Закаласілася жыта. 1973. Палатно, алей. HMM РБ.
Заколосилась рожь. 1973. Холст, масло. НХМ РБ.
Earing Up Rye. 1973. Oil on canvas. The National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
47 Зіма ў Беларусь 1974. Палатно, алей.
Зима в Беларуси. 1974. Холст, масло.
Winter on Belarus. 1974. Oil on canvas.
48 Люты ў Карпатах. 1971. Палатно, алей.