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  • Рукапісы беларускіх татараў канца XVII пачатку XX стагоддзя  з калекцыі Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі

    Рукапісы беларускіх татараў канца XVII пачатку XX стагоддзя

    з калекцыі Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі

    Памер: 55с.
    Мінск 2003
    13.02 МБ
    —	♦ One in the copyists Hasen Hasenevich (added missing text). In the If 169b there is a writing in Polish-Belarusian in the Arabic script by a copyist. In the If la the notes of the owner in Turkic and Russian. In the If 172b the notes of the owner in Russian. In the If la and 172b the preparatory owner’s notes in Russian.
    —	» Original bound: dark-brown leather over pasteboard, on the spine tolled. Binding rubbed, damaged by beetle, the fragments of the leather are absent. The paper of two sorts: 1) If 1-19, 139-141, 148-172, a glossy pa­per. The paper has yellow shades with red-brown spots; 2) If 20-138, 142— 147, the lustreless. Paper has spots and traces of water spilling, leaf comers are dirty. The If 171-172 are damaged, ragged, fell out from the bound; a separate folios are pasted.
    -	* The manuscript was purchased in the 1989 y. from the private person.
    -	♦ П19-20/Ср2. Inv.№P211.
    -	♦ Тарэлка М.У., Цітавец A.l. Беларускія кнігі, напісаныя арабскім пісьмом, у фондзе Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі НАН Беларусі II Весці НАН Беларусі. Сер. гуманіт. навук. 2002. № 1. C.116-118.
    4.	Koran. The last quarter of XIX c (the paper is stamped of un­known model, If 2a, 5b).
    -♦ 2°(365 x 232 mm). [ 1—6 If] = 6 If. Custodies. Foliation is absent.
    -♦ Arabic. Script naskh in the same hand in black ink and pencil. The handwriting of the book is identical to handwriting of the Koran П1920/Cp2 in the If 20-138, 142-147.
    The manuscript is imperfect: folio is missing in the front of If 6. The book-cover is absent.
    The manuscript, obviously, used to form part of the Koran П1920/Cp2.
    The manuscript was purchased together with the Tefsir (П1929/Cp4) and the Chamail (П19-20/Нр13) from the bookshop № 2 in Minsk.
    -» П19-20/СрЗ. Inv. № P405.
    5.	Tejwids (2). Slonim (?). The end of XVIII beginning of XIX c (watermarks: Laucevidius models №№ 2869, 2870, 2917 — XVIII c).
    8° (166 x 104 mm). [I, 1-22 If] = 23 If. There are custodies in some leaves. Foliation is absent.
    -	♦ The book consists of two Tejwids: the first If 1 a—3b; the second If 5a-22a.
    -	* Arabic, Turkic, Polish, Belarusian in Arabic graphic. Script in two hands: 1) If 1 -4, handwriting of unknown model (dark-brown ink); 2) If 522, naskh (dark-brown and red ink).
    In the If lb the notes of the owner in Russian. In the If 4b there are the notes in two hands in Arabic and Belarusian.
    -	♦ The manuscript is imperfect: the fragment of If I, 5, 13 are miss­ing. Binding is absent. The paper has spots and traces of water spilling, leaf corners are dirty. The leaf corners (I, 5, 6, 9, 13) received surface burns. The If I, 1, 2-4, 5, 22 fell out from the bound.
    The manuscript was purchased in the middle of 60th of XX c [1964-1966 (?)] from a Vilnius citizen.
    -	♦ ПІб-18/НрЗ. Inv. № P98.
    “♦ Антоновнч A.K. Обзор белорусскнх текстов // Антоновнч А.К. Белорусскне тексты, пнсанные арабскнм пнсьмом, н нх графнкоорфографнческая смстема. Внльнюс, 1968. С. 138-141; Katalog. Pi^miennictwo // Drozd A., Dziekan M.M., Majda T. PiSmiennictwo i muhiry Tatarow polsko-litewskich. Warszawa, 2000. S. 60. № 48.
    6.	Tefsir. 1686 y., Minsk (see the writing of the copyist in the If 514a; watermarks: Laucevibius, on the model № 53 1655 1781 y.; on the model № 2851 the last decades of XVII the end of XVIII c)
    -	♦ 2° (290 x 186 mm). [I-III, 1-518, IV If] = 522 If (4 If of them are protective). Custodies. Foliation is absent.
    -	* Arabic, Turkic, Polish in Arabic graphic. Script naskh in the same hand in brown and red inks.
    Writings of the copyist: 1) If 514a in Arabic, Turkic, Polish and Belarusian; 2) If 514b in Arabic; 3) If 518b in Turkic. In the If lb the notes of the owner in Russian.
    —	♦ The manuscript is imperfect: 9 If at the beginning of the book are missing. Binding original, primary: dark brown leather over cardboard. The spine and margins of the covers are stamped. On the front cover super exlibris: a bird is on the branch (stamped circular, diameter 2 cm). The cover is torn. The paper is in bad condition: almost all the leaves are damaged. The Arabic text of the Koran at the beginning of the book is in the worst condition. The paper along the lines is almost destroyed. The paper has brown shades; leaves have traces of water spilling, spots, tears.
    The manuscript was purchased in the 1981 y. from the private person.
    -	* П16-18/Ср2. Inv. №P214.
    Тарэлка М.У., ЦітавецА.І. Раманчык В.Г. Старэйшы пераклад Карана на славянскую мову // Бібл. свет. 2002. № 1. С. 1920; Цітавец А.І. Тэфсіры з калекцыі Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі НАН Беларусі // Байрам. 2002. № 42. С. 63-68.
    7.	Tefsir. The last quarter of XIX c (watermarks are absent).
    2° (355 x 222 mm). [1-63, 64-68 without texts] = 68 If. Custo­dies. Foliation is absent.
    —	» Arabic, Turkic, Polish in Arabic graphic. Script naskh in the same hand in black ink.
    -	* Possible copyist is Hasen Hasenevich: the hand of the manuscript is very similar to the one of the Koran П19-20/Ср2.
    —	♦ Binding is absent. Paper is glossy, it has yellow shades with spots.
    —	♦ The manuscript was purchased together with the Koran (П1920/Cp3) and the Chamail (П19-20/Нр13) from the bookshop № 2 in Minsk.
    П19-20/Ср4. Inv. № P223.
    —	♦ Цітавец A.l. Тэфсіры з калекцыі Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі Н АН Беларусі // Байрам. 2002. № 42. С. 63-68.
    8.	Demi-Kitab. The last third of XVIII c (watermarks: Laucevicius, on the model № 405 -after 1734 y.; on the model № 2911 XVIII c)
    4° (178 x 152 mm). [1-112 If] = 112 If. Custodes. Pagination in red ink with errors, some pages are marked with the same numbers adding Latin letters.
    —♦ Arabic, Turkic, Polish, Belarusian in Arabic graphic. Script naskh in the same hand in black and red ink.
    The manuscript is imperfect: folios in the beginning and in front of If 15, 23, 25, 42, 44, 73, 112 as far as at the end of the book are missing. Some leaves are bond incorrectly (for example, If 35th has to be after 25th). The book-cover is missing. The paper has brown shade with ink spots and traces of water spilling, fragments of the text in some leaves are missing. The manuscript has been restored in the XX c.
    Convolute. See here the Koran of the last quarter of XVIII c. (№ 1 at the catalogue)
    The manuscript was purchased in the middle of 60th of XX c [1964-1966 (?)] from a Vilnius citizen.
    -► П16-18/Нр2. Inv. № P97.
    —♦ Антоновнч A.K. Обзор белорусскнх текстов П Антоновнч А.К. Белорусскне тексты, пнсанные арабскнм пнсьмом, н нх графнко-орфографнческая снстема. Внльнюс, 1968. С. 136-141; Drozd A., Majda Т. Katalog: PiSmiennictwo II Drozd A., Dziekan M.M., Majda T. Pismiennictwo i muhiry Tatarow polsko-litewskich. Warszawa, 2000. S. 55. № 27; Тарэлка М.У., Закарыя Э.Ф., Цітавец A.l. Татарскі рукапіс XVIII ст. з фондаў Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі НАН Беларусі // Іслам і мусульмане Беларусі ў XX стагоддзі: Матэрыялы VII міжнар. навук.-практ. канферэнцыі. Мінск, 2002. С. 74-79; Тарэлка М.У., ЦітавецА.1. Прадказанне па паводзінах крумкача ў арабаграфічным рукапісе з фонду Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі
    HAH Беларусі // Здабыткі. 2002. Вып. 5. С. 121-130; Тарэлка М. Да пытання аб цытатах з Бібліі С. Буднага і Брэсцкай Бібліі ў рукапісе Р97 з калекцыі Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі НАН Беларусі // Гісторыя выдавецкай дзейнасці ў Польшчы і Беларусі ў XVI-XX стагоддзях: 36. навук. арт.-Мінск: Белфранс, 2003.-С. 13-17.
    9.	Chamail. The first half of XIX c (watermarks of unknown model).
    16° (93 x 72 mm). [I, 1-133 If] = 134 If. Custodies. Foliation is absent.
    Arabic, Turkic, Polish, Belarusian in Arabic graphic. Script naskh in two hands: 1) the primary part of the text is written by earlier hand in brown and red ink (If 9-77, 79-84, 86-133); 2) the text on leaves which has been inserted instead of missing ones was rewritten later in black and red ink (If 1-8, 78, 85).
    -	♦ In the If lb the note in brown ink in Russian
    -	♦ The manuscript is imperfect: some leaves between the 92th and the 93th If are missing. The book-cover is absent. The paper of two sorts: 1) in the If 9-77, 79-84, 86-133 the paper has blue shades with watermark; 2) in the If 1-8, 78, 85 the paper has yellow shades without watermark. The paper has traces of water spilling, leaf comers are dirty.
    The manuscript was purchased in the 1988 y. from bookshop № 2 in Minsk.
    -	* П19-20/Нр21. Inv. № P256.
    10.	Chamail. The second half of XIX c (watermarks are absent).
    -	♦ 8° (110 x 90 mm). 5-8, 13-16, 21-24, 31-158 p. = 90 p. Custo­dies. Pagination in the top and the centre of the page in East characters.
    -	♦ Arabic, Turkic, Polish, Belarusian in Arabic graphic. Script naskh in the one hand in black ink.
    —	» The manuscript is imperfect: the p. 1-4, 9-12, 17-20, 25-30 are missing. The book-cover is absent. The paper has traces of water spilling, p. 31, 158 have ink spots.
    -	» П19-20/Нр16. Inv. № P403.
    11.	Chamail. The last quarter of XIX c (watermarks are absent).
    “* 8° (176 x 108 mm). [1-2 without texts, 3-6 If] = 6 If. Custodies. Foliation is absent.
    Arabic, Turkic, Polish, Belarusian in Arabic graphic. Script naskh in the one hand in brown ink.
    Binding is absent. The paper has yellow shade, traces of water spilling, the leaf comers are torn.
    -♦ The manuscript was purchased together with the Koran (П1929/Cp3) and the Tefsir (П19-29/Ср4) from the bookshop № 2 in Minsk.
    П19-20/Нр13. Inv. № P404.
    Kozinowa A., Tarelko M. Realizacja funkcji magicznej w tek§cie jednego chamaila II Etnolingwistyka. 2001. № 13. S. 231-246; Тарэлка М.У., Цітавец A.l. Беларускія кнігі, напісаныя арабскім пісьмом, у фондзе Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі НАН Беларусі // Весці НАН Беларусі. Сер. гуманіт. навук. 2002. № 1. С. 116-118.
    12.	Chamail. The last quarter of XIX c (the paper in the If 55 is stamped of unknown model: Gothic letter “B” in the middle of the oval, a legend along the oval perimeter, a coronet above the oval).
    —	♦ 8° (142 x 100 mm). [1-102 If] = 102 If. Custodies. Foliation is ab­sent.
    Arabic, Turkic, Belarusian, Polish in Arabic graphic. Script naskh in the same hand in black and red ink.