Гістарычныя ўводзіны ў філасофію навукі  Джон Лоўзі

Гістарычныя ўводзіны ў філасофію навукі

Джон Лоўзі
Выдавец: Беларускі Фонд Сораса
Памер: 328с.
Мінск 1995
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’ Hull, The Metaphysics of Evolution, 106.
’° Ibid. 233.
" Hull, Science as a Process, 303-12.
13 Thomas S. Kuhn, ’The Relation Between the History and Philosop­hy of Science’, in The Essential Tension (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1977), 3-20.
Карысная бібліяграфічная інфармацыя па крыніцах для вывучэння гісторыі філасофіі навукі змяшчаецца ў кнізе:
Laudan, L., 'Theories of Scientific Method from Plato to Mach: A Bibliographical Review’, History of Science, 7 (1969), 1 -63.
Працы Арыстоцеля
Posterior Analytics, trans, with notes by J. Barnes (Oxford: Claren­don Press, 1975).
The Works of Aristotle Translated into English, ed. J. A. Smith and W. D. Ross, 12 vols. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1908-52).
Працы npa Арыстоцеля
Allan, D. J., The Philosophy of Aristotle, 2nd edn. (London: Oxford University Press, 1970).
Anscombe, G. E. M., 'Aristotle: The Search for Substance', in Anscombe and P. T. Geach, Three Philosophers (Oxford: Blackwell, 1961).
Apostle, H., Aristotle's Philosophy of Mathematics (Chicago: Uni­versity of Chicago Press, 1952).
Barnes, J., Schofield, M., and Sorabji, R. (eds), Articles on Aristotle i (London: Duckworth, 1975).
Demos, R., ‘The Structure of Substance According to Aristotle’, Phil, and Phenom. Res. 5 (1944-5), 255-68.
Evans, M. G., 'Causality and Explanation in the Logic of Aristotle’, Phil, and Phenom. Res. 19 (1958-9), 466-85.
Furth, M., Substance, Form and Psyche: An Aristotelian Metaphy­sics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988).
Gotthelf, A., and Lennox, J. (eds.), Philosophical Issues in Aristot­le's Biology (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).
Graham, D. W., Aristotle's Two Systems (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987).
Grene, M., A Portrait of Aristotle (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1963).
Halper, E., 'Aristotle on Knowledge of Nature’, Rev. Meta. 37 (1984), 811-35.
Irwin, T., Aristotle's First Principles (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1988).
Lear, J., Aristotle and the Desire to Understand (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988).
Lee, H. D. P., 'Geometrical Methods and Aristotle’s Account of First Principles’, Class. Quart. 29 (1935), 113-24.
McKeon, R. Р., 'Aristotle’s Conception of the Development and the Nature of Scientific Method', J. Hist. Ideas 8 (1947), 3-44.
Matthen, M. (ed.), Aristotle Today: Essays on Aristotle's Ideal of Science (Edmonton: Academic Printing and Publishing, 1986). Глядзі, y прыватнасці, эсэ M. Матэна, Ф. Спаршота і М. Фэрта.
Randall, J. Н., Jun., Aristotle (New York: Columbia University Press, 1960).
Ross, W. E., Aristotle, 5th edn., rev. (London: Methuen, 1949).
Sellars, W., 'Substance and Form In Aristotle', J. Phil. 54 (1957), 688-99.
Solmsen, F., Aristotle's System of the Physical World (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1960).
Cornford, F. M., Plato's Cosmology (New York: Liberal Arts Press, 1957), a translation of Plato’s Timaeus with running commentary by Cornford.
Guthrie, W. K. C., A History of Greek Philosophy, i (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1962).
Harre, R., The Anticipation of Nature (London: Hutchinson, 1965). Ch. 4, 'The Pythagorean Principles', змяшчае аналіз піфагарэйскай арыентацыі.
Mourelatos, A., 'Astronomy and Kinematics in Plato's Project of Rationalist Explanation', Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 12 (1981), 1-32.
Philip, J. A., Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1966).
Ptolemy, C., The Almagest, trans. C. Taliaferro, in Great Books of the Western World, xvi (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952).
Vlastos, G., Plato's Universe (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975).
Dijksterhuis, E. J., Archimedes, trans. C. Dikshoorn (Copenhagen: E. Munksgaard, 1956).
Euclid, Elements, ed. T. L. Heath, 3 vols. (New York: Dover Publications, 1926).
The Works of Archimedes with the Method of Archimedes, ed. T. L. Heath (New York: Dover Publications, n. d., repr. of 1912 Cambridge University Press publication).
Працы агульнага характару аб Сярэднявеччы
Clagett, М., The Science of Mechanics in the Middle Ages (Madi­son, WIs.: University of Wisconsin Press), 1959.
Crombie, A. C., Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimen­tal Science (1100 • /700) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962); змяшчае багатую бібліяграфію.
Grant, Е. (ed.), A Source Book in Medieval Science (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974).
Kretzmann, N., et al. (eds.), The Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982), chs. 6 and 7.
Moody, E. A., 'Empiricism and Metaphysics in Medieval Philosophy', Phil. Rev. 67 (1958), 145-63.
Shapiro, H. (ed.), Medieval Philosophy, Selected Readings, from Augustine to Buridan (New York: The Modern Library, 1964).
Sharp D. E., Franciscan Philosophy at Oxford in the Thirteenth Century (New York: Russell & Russell, 1964).
Thorndike, L., A History of Magic and Experimental Science, ii (New York: Macmillan, 1923).
Wallace, W. A., Causality and Scientific Explanation, i (Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan Press, 1972).
Weinberg, J. R., A Short History of Medieval Philosophy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1964).
	'Historical Remarks on Some Medieval Views of Induction’, in J. R. Weinberg, Abstraction, Relation, and Induction (Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1965), 121-53.
Роберт Гросэтэстэ
Crombie, A. C., ‘Grosseteste's Position in the History of Science’, in D. A. Callus (ed.), Robert Grosseteste (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1955).
	'Quantification in Medieval Physics’, Isis, 52 (1961), 143-60.
Dales, R. C., 'Robert Grosseteste's Scientific Works', Isis, 52 (1961), 381-402.
McEvoy, J., The Philosophy of Robert Grosseteste (Oxford: Claren­don Press, 1982).
Serene, E., 'Robert Grosseteste on Induction and Demonstrative Science’, Synthese, 40 (1979), 97-115.
Роджэр Бэкан
Easton, S. C., Roger Bacon and His Search for a Universal Science (New York: Columbia University Press, 1952).
Lindberg, D., 'On the Applicability of Mathematics to Nature: Roger Bacon and His Predecessors', Brit. J. Hist. Sci. 15 (1982), 3-26.
The Opus Majus, trans. R. B. Burke (New York: Russell & Russell, 1962).
Steele, R., 'Roger Bacon and the State of Science in the Thirteenth Century’, in C. Singer (ed.), Studies in the History and Method of Science (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1921), ii. 121 -50.
Джон Данс Скотус
Boler, J. F., Charles Peirce and Scholastic Realism (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1963), 37-62.
Duns Scotus: Philosophical Writings, ed. and trans. A. B. Wolter (Edinburgh: Nelson, 1962).
Harris, C. R. S., Duns Scotus (1927), 2 vols. (NewYork: Humanities Press, 1959).
Уільям Окхам
Boehner, Р., Collected Articles on Ockham, ed. E. M. Buytaert (St Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications, 1958).
Maurer, A., 'Method in Ockham's Nominalism’, Monist, 61 (1978), 426-43.
Moody, E. A., 'Ockham, Buridan, and Nicolaus of Autrecourt', Franciscan Stud. 7 (1947), 115-46.
	The Logic of William of Ockham (New York: Russell & Russell, 1965).
Ockham: Philosophical Writings, ed. with an introduction by P. Boehner (Edinburgh: Nelson, 1962); змяшчае бібліяграфію твораў Окхама.
Ockham: Studies and Selections, ed. with an introduction by S. C. Tornay (La Salle, III., Open Court Publishing Co., 1938).
Shapiro, H., Motion, Time and Place According to William Ockham (St Bonaventure, NY: Franciscan Institute Publications, 1957).
Tweedale, M., 'Abailard and Ockham’s Contrasting Defenses of Nominalism’, Theoria, 46 (1980), 106-22.
Мікалай Атрэкур
'First and Second Letters to Bernard of Arezzo', in H. Shapiro (ed.), Medieval Philosophy, Selected Readings, from Augustine to Buridan (New York: The Modern Library, 1964), 510-27.
Weinberg, J.R., Nicolaus of Autrecourt: A Study in FourteenthCentury Thought (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1948).
Baigrie B., ‘Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion, Before and After Newton's Principia', Stud. Hist. Phil. Sci. 18 (1987), 177-208.
Drake, S., 'Hipparchus-Geminus-Galileo', Stud. Hist. Sci. 20 (1989), 47-56.
Duhem, P., To Save the Phenomena, trans. E. Doland and C. Maschler (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1969).
Field, J. V., Kepler's Geometrical Cosmology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988).
Jardine, N., The Birth of History and Philosophy of Science: Kepler's Defense of Tycho Against Ursus, with Essays on Its Prove­nance and Significance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984).
Kepler, J., Mysterium Cosmographicum, trans. A. M. Duncan (New York: Abaris Books, 1981).
Koyre, A., La Revolution astronomique (Paris: Hermann, 1961).
Kuhn, T. S., The Copernican Revolution (New York: Random House, 1957).
O'Neil, W. M., Fact and Theory, Pt. 2 (Sydney: Sydney University Press, 1969).
Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler, in Great Books of the Western World, xvi (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1952); y яе ўваходзяць:
Ptolemy, The Almagest, trans. R. C. Taliaferro.
Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, trans. C. G. Wallis.
Kepler, Epitome of Copernican Astronomy, bk. 5, trans. C. G. Wallis.
Three Copernican Treatises, 2nd edn., trans. E. Rosen (New York: Dover Publications, 1959); y кнігу ўвайшлі:
Copernicus, Commentariolis.
Copernicus, Letter Against Werner.
Rheticus, Narratio Prima.
Annotated Copernicus Bibliography (1939-58), compiled by Rosen.
Westman, R. S. (ed.), The Copernican Achievement (Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1975).
I.	Галілей
Працы Галілея
The Assayer, trans. S. Drake, In The Controversy on the Comets of 1618, trans. S. Drake and C. D. O'Malley (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1960), 151-336.
Dialogues Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (1632), trans. S. Drake (Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press, 1953).