Запісы 39 дыск у дадатку

Запісы 39

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Надзея Старавойтава, дасьледчыца беларускай перакладной літаратуры эпохі Адраджэньня, вывучае рыцарскія раманы XVI ст. “Трышчан”, “Баво” і “Атыля” (“Пазнанскі зборнік”). Кандыдат філялягічных навук, дацэнт катэдры беларускай і рускай моваў Беларускага дзяржаўнага эканамічнага ўнівэрсытэту. У 2010— 2015 гг. працавала лектарам беларускай мовы, літаратуры й культуры на катэдры славістыкі Інстытуту філялёгіі Кіеўскага нацыянальнага ўнівэрсытэту. Аўтар больш як 8о навуковых і навукова-папулярных артыкулаў, навучальнага дапаможніка “Беларуская мова: гісторыя і сучаснасць”, рамана-агапэ “Артаграфія бяз правілаў” і шэрагу абразкоў ды эсэ.
Міхаліна Татарыновіч (1908—1987), сястра прэлата Пётры Татарыновіча. Закончыла Віленскую беларускую гімназію, вывучала францускую філялёгію ў Віленскім унівэрсытэце. Падчас нямецкай акупацыі была намесьніцай кіраўнічкі юначак, а з 31 траўня 1944 г. — кіраўнічкай (заступніцай) СБМ на Баранавіцкую акругу. Улетку 1944 г. пакінула Беларусь, апынулася ў аўстрыйскім Куфштайне. Потым пераехала ў Польшчу, жыла ў Острудзе (цяпер Вармянска-Мазурскае ваяводзтва). Неаднаразова наведвала Рым.
Пётра Татарыновіч (1896—1978), рэлігійны дзеяч, каталіцкі сьвятар, пэдагог, перакладчык, публіцыст. У 1921 г. высьвячаны на сьвятара. Працаваў у парафіях Заходняй Беларусі. Ад лета 1944 г. на эміграцыі. У 1945—1949 гг. вучыўся ў Рыме, абараніў доктарскую дысэртацыю, прысьвечаную Кірылу Тураўскаму. У 1950 г. заснаваў беларускі каталіцкі часопіс “Znic”, які й рэдагаваў цягам 1950—1975 гг. Заснаваў Беларускую рэдакцыю Ватыканскага радыё й быў галоўным яе супрацоўнікам.
Аляксандар Фядута (нар. 1964), доктар філялягічных навук, дацэнт Эўрапейскага гуманітарнага ўнівэрсытэту (Вільня). Рэдактар беларускага біяграфічнага альманаху “Асоба і час”, сурэдактар “Беларускай мэмуарнай бібліятэкі”. Аўтар васьмі кніг, укладальнік зборнікаў твораў Фадзея Булгарына й Аляксея Карпюка.
Сяргей Шабельцаў, гісторык, кандыдат гістарычных навук. Дацэнт катэдры філязофіі й паліталёгіі Беларускага дзяржаўнага мэдычнага ўнівэрсытэту. Займаецца вывучэньнем беларускай дыяспары ў Аргентыне.
Лявон Юрэвіч (нар. 1965), архівіст, працуе ў Нью-Ёркскай публічнай бібліятэцы. Сябра БІНіМу й рэдкалегіі “Запісаў”.
Topic of the issue: Italian Mosaic
S. E. Stefano Bianchi. [Preface] (page 8)
A preface to the issue from the ambassador of Italian Republic in Belarus.
PiotrTatarynovic’s creative heritage
PiotrTatarynovic. Letters (page 10)
Letters of prelate PiotrTatarynovic, the most known Belarusan in post­war Rome, to Vitaut Tumas, director of the Belarusan Institute of Arts and Sciences (BINIM) in New York, demonstrate particularities of life and activity of the founder of the Belarusan edition of Radio Vatican and the publisher of the Belarusan magazine “Znic”.
PiotrTatarynovic. Memoirs (page 39)
Memoirs of father PiotrTatarynovic about his native village of Miadzviedzicy, training in a theological seminary, meetings with metropolitan Andrei Saptycki, etc.
St. Mark’s Gospel translated by Piotr Tatarynovic (page 69)
Fragment from St. Mark’s Gospel translated by P. Tatarynovic with explications of separate translations.
Public discussion concerning father PiotrTatarynovic’s ter­minology in his magazine “Znic” and Bible translations (page 76)
Materials of the discussion in the 1950s concerning the language of the magazine “Znic” printed by father Piotr Tatarynovic in Rome. Letters and publications of father LeuHaroska, Janka Carnecki, and others, as well as the editor of “Znic”, demonstrate opinions of emigrated Belarusan intellectuals concerning separate moments of using religious terminology and specificities of separate figures’ language.
MichalinaTatarynovic. Letters to Vitaut Tumas (page 119)
Letters of Michalina, sister of father Piotr Tatarynovic, of the time when she was in Rome and looked after her ill brother.
Piotr Koniuch. Letters to Vitaut Tumas (page 124)
Letters of the Italian period of the life of Piotr Koniuch, Belarusan singer who studied in Rome, display circumstances of his life and intentions to leave for the USA.
Janka Moisik. Letters to Janka Zaprudnik (page 127)
Letters of Janka Moisik, an employee of the Belarusan edition of Radio Vatican, of 1986—1991 to Janka Zaprudnik, editor of the newspaper “Bielarus” in New York and an employee of the Belarusan edition of Radio Free Europe.
Caslau Sipovic. Letters (page 131)
Letters of bishop Caslau Sipovic to Janka Zaprudnik in 1978—1981 concerning the election of new pope John Paul II and reaction to this event of Belarusan society in the West.
Lavon Jurevic. “Znic” (page 138)
Data on the Belarusan magazine “Znic” published in Rome in 1950— 1975 by prelate Piotr Tatarynovic.
Bibliography of “Znic” (Ales Audziajuk) (page 141)
Separate sections of the bibliography of the magazine “Znic”; the complete variant is attached on the CD to this almanac.
Belarusan edition of Radio Vatican (conversations with em­ployees) (page 154)
Conversations with employees of the Belarusan edition of Radio Vatican Janka Moisik and Ales Pancanka about the history and present day of the edition and their own way to it.
Place on a map
Natalia Hardziyenka. The church built by Belarusans in Florence (page 168)
Article about St. Nikolaos the Wonderworker and Christmas church in Florence built in the early 20th century by father Uladzimir Lavicki from the Zabinka District, Belarus.
Aksana Danilcyk. Poems (page 171)
“Italian” poems by poetess and translator Aksana Danilcyk.
Jerzy Grzybowski. Belarusan military men in Italy during World War II (page 190)
Article about Belarusan soldiers, mainly from the Second Polish Corps, who participated in combat operations on the territory of Italy during World War II and, when the war was over, tried to build Belarusan life in their military units.
Uladzimir Kalupajeu. Sources on the history of Belarus in collections of the Italian center “Russia Christiana” (page 219)
Description of funds of the Italian center “Russia Christiana” in the city of Seriate where there is a big collection of samizdat (a key form of dissident activity across the Soviet bloc in which individuals reproduced censored and underground publications by hand and passed the documents from reader to reader) and materials of the dissident movement, which can interest Belarusan researchers.
Aksana Danilcyk. Jauhien Lacki’s articles about Belarusan literature in the Italian press (page 228)
Belarusan translation of Slavicist researcher Jauhien Lacki's articles published in the magazine “Rivista di letterature slave” in 1927—1928 dedicated to the creativity of Maksim Bahdanovic and Jakub Kolas.
Nadzieja Staravoitava. Objectivity of the researches of Bela­rusan “Tristan” abroad (on the materials of Italian and American editions) (page 244)
Representation of the approaches to the studying of The Novel About Tristan And Iseult, a work of Belarusan translated literature, of Italian researcher Emmanuela Sgambati and Belarusan emigrational researcher Zora Kipiel.
Uladzimir Kalupajeu. Giuseppe Messina and informational support of Belarusan studies in Italy in the 1950s (page 173)
Analysis of Italian sources of the only Italian-language book on the history of Belarusan literature “La letteratura belorussa” published in 1952 by Slavicist scientist Giuseppe Messina.
Aksana Danilcyk. Ulisse AlessioFloridi and his review of Giuseppe Messina’s book “Belarusan literature” (page 173)
Article about reviews of Giuseppe Messina’s book dedicated to Belaru­san literature — “La letteratura belorussa”, and in particular — about the author of one of these reviews — father Floridi and his remarks to the edition.
Lavon Jurevic. Varia (page 249)
Esseys about different authors and Belarusan literature in emigration and in Belarus.
Future books
Makar Кгайсой. Selected Works (page 287)
Poems and critical sketches of Makar Кгайсой, figure of the Belarusan People’s Republic (1918), poet and writer.
Zina Gimpelevic. Dzmitry R. Kaminski (1906—1989): life and musical creativity (page 311)
Article of the Belarusan studies scientist from Canada about her stepfather, composer, former chairperson of the Union of Composers of the BSSR, Dzmitry Kaminski and his memoirs.
Dzmitry Kaminski. About my father and myself. Memoirs about the best person in my life (page 320)
Mmoirs of Belarusan composer Kaminski about his childhood, parents, life in Russia and Belarus prior to his departure to Canada in 1980, as well as letters of Belarusan composer Ales Karpovic to the Kaminski family about musical life in pre-war and wartime Minsk.
Lavon Jurevic. Close contacts of the third degree (page 376)
History of Belarusans’ relations with Lithuanians, Poles, and Russians in emigration based on archival materials of activities of Ales RuzaniecRuzancofi, JurkaVicbic, and Uladzimir Bryleiiski.
Jurka Vicbic. Letters to “New Russian Word” (page 394)
Letters of Jurka Vicbic, Belarusan figure in emigration, to the editor of the newspaper “New Russian Word” (New York) concerning publications that touch Belarusan subjects.
Jerzy Grzybowski. Letters of Franc Kusal and Natalia Arsiennieva to their relatives in Poland (1963—1965)
Correspondence of military and public figure Franc Kusal with his brothers who lived in Poland.
Emigration studies section at the 6th Congress of Researchers of Belarus
Reports dedicated to Belarusans abroad, which were read at the Sixth Congress of Researchers of Belarus in Kaunas in September 2016.
Olga Zubko. Belarusan Prague emigration in a new language space (1921—1939) (page 417)
Attempt to analyze the language aspect of Belarusans' life in interwar Prague, possibilities and difficulties while studying languages.
Uladzislaii Harbacki. Dictionary of the Belarusan Diaspora’s language: exploratory work, discoveries, funny things (sociolinguistic analysis of the Diaspora’s language) (page 428)