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  • Гістарычны шлях нацыі і дзяржавы  Радзім Гарэцкі, Міхась Біч, Уладзімір Конан

    Гістарычны шлях нацыі і дзяржавы

    Радзім Гарэцкі, Міхась Біч, Уладзімір Конан

    Выдавец: Беларускі кнігазбор
    Памер: 348с.
    Мінск 2001
    114.6 МБ
    Дадзена ў Менску-Беларускім
    21 (8) лютага 1918 г.
    Our native land has found itself in a new and difficult situation. The fate of the regime that was here previously is not known. We face the possible occupation of our land by German troops.
    We must take our fate into our own hands. The Byelorussian people must assert their right to full self-determination, and the national minorities their right to national and personal autonomy.
    The rights of the nation should find realization by means of a Constituent Assembly convened on democratic principles.
    However, even before convening the Constituent Assembly, all power in Byelorussia should belong to the peoples residing therein.
    The Executive Committee of the Council (Rada) of the First All-Byelorussian Congress, supplemented by representatives of the revolutionary democracy of the national minorities and fulfilling the goals imposed upon it by the Congress, declares itself to be the Provisional Authority in Byelorussia to govern the land and to convene as soon as possible an All­Byelorussian Constituent Assembly based on universal voting rights for the entire adult population without distinction of nationality, religion, or sex.
    The Provisional National Authority in the land, having assumed the tasks of defending and strengthening the revolutionary achievements, will cany out these tasks through the National Secretariat of Byelorussia, which has been established and which, from this date on, has assumed the exercise of its responsibilities. The names of the members of the Secretariat will be published later.
    Given in Byelorussian Miensk (Minsk), February 21(8), 1918.
    The Executive Committee of the Council of the First All-Byelorussian Congress Byelorussian Statehood. Reader and Bibliography. New York, 1988. P.p. 131—132 Translated by Thomas E. Bird and Jan Zaprudnik
    Год таму назад народы Беларусі разам з народамі Расеі ськінулі ярмо расейскага царызму, які найцяжэй прыціснуў быў Беларусь; ня пытаючыся народу, ён кінуў наш край у пажар вайны, якая чыста зруйнавала гарады і вёскі беларускія. Цяпер мы, Рада Беларускай Народнай Рэспублікі, ськідаем з роднага краю апошняе ярмо дзяржаўнай залежнасьці, якое гвалтам накінулі расейскія цары на наш вольны і незалежны край. Ад гэтага часу Беларуская Народная Рэспубліка абвяшчаецца незалежнаю і вольнаю дзяржавай. Самі народы Беларусі ў васобе Устаноўчага Сойму пастановяць аб будучых дзяржаўных зьвязах Беларусі.
    На моцы гэтага трацяць сілу ўсе старыя дзяржаўныя зьвязі, якія далі магчымасьць чужому ўраду падпісаць і за Беларусь трактат у Берасьці, што забівае на сьмерць беларускі народ, дзелячы зямлю яго на часткі. На моцы гэтага ўрад Беларускай Народнай Рэспублікі мае ўвайсьці ў зносіны з зацікаўленымі старанамі, прапануючы ім перагледзець тую часьціну Берасьцейскага трактату, якая датычыць Беларусі, і падпісаць мірную ўмову з усімі ваяваўшымі дзяржавамі.
    Беларуская Народная Рэспубліка павінна абняць усе землі, дзе жыве і мае лічбенную перавагу беларускі народ, а ласьне: Магілеўшчыну, беларускія часьці Меншчыны, Гродненшчыны (з Гродняй, Беластокам і інш.), Віленшчыны, Віцебшчыны, Смаленшчыны, Чарнігаўшчыны і сумежных часьцяў суседніх губэрняў, заселеных беларусамі.
    Беларуская Народная Рэспубліка зацьвярджае ўсе тыя правы і вольнасьці грамадзян і народаў Беларусі, якія абвешчаныя Устаўной Граматай ад 9 сакавіка 1918 року.
    Абвяшчаючы аб незалежнасьці Беларускай Народнай Рэспублікі, Рада яе пакладае свае надзеі на тое, што ўсе любячыя волю пароды дапамогуць беларускаму народу ў поўнай меры зьдзейсьніць яго палітычна-дзяржаўныя ідэалы.
    Рада Беларускай Народнай Рэспублікі
    Дана ў Менску-Беларускім
    24 сакавіка 1918 року.
    A year ago the peoples of Byelorussia, together with the peoples of Russia, threw off the yoke of Russian tsarism, which had oppressed Byelorussia most of all and, without asking the people, precipitated our land into the conflagration of war which totally destroyed Byelorussian cities and villages. Now we, the Council (Rada) of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic, have cast off from our native land the last vestige of national dependence which the Russian tsars imposed by force upon our free and independent land. From this time on, the Byelorussian Democratic Republic is proclaimed an independent and free state. The peoples of Byelorussia themselves,under the aegis of their Constituent Assembly, shall determine the future national relations of Byelorussia.
    By virtue of this, all former national relations lose their force — relations which made it possible for a foreign government to sign the Treaty of Brest for Byelorussia, thus destroying the Byelorussian people by partitioning their land.
    By virtue of this, the government of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic will establish relations with interested parties by proposing to them a review of that part of the Treaty of Brest which concerns Byelorussia and the signing of peace treaties with all belligerent states.
    The Byelorussian Democratic Republic should include all those lands where the Byelorussian people constitute a numerical majority, namely: the Mahilou (Mogilev) region, the Byelorussian parts of the regions of Miensk (Minsk), Horadnia (Grodno) (including the cities of Horadnia, Biclastok, and others), Vilnia, Viciebsk (Vitebsk), Smalensk, andCarnihaii (Chernigov), as well as adjacent parts of neighboring gubernias, inhabited by Byelorussians.
    The Byelorussian Democratic Republic confirms all those rights and freedoms of the citizens and peoples of Byelorussia which were proclaimed by the Constituent Charter of March 9, 1918.
    Proclaiming the independence of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic, its Council expresses the hope that all freedom-loving peoples will assist the Byelorussian people to achieve fully their political and national ideals.
    The Council (Rada) of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic
    Given by Byelorussian Miensk (Minsk). March 24, 1918 Byelorussian Statehood. Reader and Bibliography. New York, 1988. P.p. 131 — 134 Translated by Thomas E. Bird and Jan Zaprudnik
    Established: March 1918; independence proclaimed March 25, 1918 and celebrated annually as Byelorussia’s National Holiday.
    Territory: 330,000 sq. km. Embraces the Byelorussian parts of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania including the following major cities and provinces: Vilna, Hrodna, Miensk, Bierascie, Bielastok, Pinsk, Turau, Homiel, Recyca, Mahilou, Viciebsk, Vializ, Babrujsk, Vorsa, Barysau, Smalensk, Vialejka, Hlybokaje, Pruzany, and the Byelorussian parts of the Bransk, Orel, and Carnihau provinces.
    Population (as of 1918): approx. 12 million.
    Seal: Pahonia (a knight mounted on a rearing horse) — the former seal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. This was also the seal in use in the majority of Byelorussian cities and towns as late as 1918.
    Flag: White-red-white horizontal stripes of equal width. Adopted in 1918.
    Anthem: «My vyjdziem scylnymi radami», which was written in 1919 by Makar Kraucou and was originally used as a military hymn.
    Capital: Miensk (present population over one and one-half million).
    Byelorussian Statehood. Reader and Bibliography. New York, 1988. P. 390 Translated by Thomas E. Bird and Jan Zaprudnik
    The Byelorussian Revolutionary 'ttr&m&di{Bielaruskaja Revalucyjnaja Hramada), political party established in 1902 by Ivan and Anton Luckievic.
    The Byelorussian Socialist Hramada (Bietaruskaja Sacyjalistycnaja Hramada BSH), political party established in December of 1903. In fact this was the renamed Byelorussian Revolutionary Hramada which superseded the activities of the latter. The Central Committee of the BSH consisted of Anton Luckievic, Ivan Luckievic, Alaksandar Ulasau, Vaclau Ivanouski, and Alaksandar Burbis (1905). The BSH had four conferences: 1st, Dec. 1903; 2nd, Jan. 1906; 3rd, March 25,1917; 4th, June 4(17), 1917. The leadership of the BSH in June of 1917 consisted of: Viacaslah Adamovic, Radaslau Astrouski, Paluta Badunova, Bandarcyk, A. Barysionak, Advardy Budzka, Alaksandar Burbis, K. Duseuski, Ihnat Dvarcanin, Tamas Hryb, Usievalad Ihnatouski, Jauchim Lasko, V. Luzhin, Jazep Mamonka, M. Mialeska, Mucha, Piatrouski, Pietraskievic, Alaksandar Prusynski, Symon Rak-Michajloiiski, Arkadz Smolic, Mikola Syla, Branislaii Taraskicvic, Fiodar Turuk, Jazep Varonka, Zmicier Zylunovic.
    The Byelorussian National Committee (Bielaruski Nacyjanalny Kamitet) elected at the First Conference of the Byelorussian National Organizations and Political Parties in Miensk, March 25-27, 1917. The Committee included: Raman Skirmunt, chairman; members: Paval
    Alaksiuk, Babarykin, Advardy Budzka, Alaksandar Burbis, Lavon Dubiejkauski, Usievalad Falski, Rev. Vincuk Hadleuski, Vaclau Ivanouski, Michal Kachanovic, Auhien Kancar, Karus Kastravicki (Kahaniec), Ivan Kraskouski, Arkadz Smolic, Fabijan Santyr, Branislau Taraskievic, Lavon Zajac, Zmicier Zylunovic.
    The Central Council of the Byelorussian Parties and Organizations {Centralnaja Rada Bielaruskich Partyjай i Arhanizacyjail). Established at the Second Conference of the Byelorussian National Organizations and Political Parties in Miensk, July 8-12,1917. This council superseded the Byelorussian National Committee. The leadership of the Central Council included: Jazep Losik, chairman; members: Paluta Badunova, Klaudziej Duseuski, Jazep Dyla, Usievalad Falski, Uladyslad Halubok, Fabijan Jarcmic, Michal Kachanovic, Vanda Lavickaja, Arkadz Smolic, F. Turcynovic, Jazep Vasilevic.
    The Central Byelorussian Military Council {Centralnaja Bieiaruskaja Vajskovaja Rada). This organization was established at the conference of the Byelorussian Military groups which included: the Byelorussian Soldiers’ Organizations of the Western Front, the Byelorussian Military Representatives of the Xllth Army, Byelorussian Delegates from the Baltic Fleet, and the Byelorussian Military Delegation from the Rumanian Front. The conference was held in Miensk on October 18-25 (New Style: October 31 — November 6), 1917. The leadership of the organization included: Symon Rak-Michajloiiski, chairman; Kanstantyn Jezavitaii, 1st vicechairman; Tamas Hryb, 2nd vice-chairman; Vasil Zacharka, treasurer; and members at large: Viacaslad Adamovic, Jerasevic, and Mikola Syla.