Гістарычны шлях нацыі і дзяржавы  Радзім Гарэцкі, Міхась Біч, Уладзімір Конан

Гістарычны шлях нацыі і дзяржавы

Радзім Гарэцкі, Міхась Біч, Уладзімір Конан

Выдавец: Беларускі кнігазбор
Памер: 348с.
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The Supreme Byelorussian Council {Vialikaja Bieiaruskaja Rada), under the chairmanship of Jazep Losik, Viacaslau Adamovic, and others. The council was established at the series of conferences which were held in Miensk from October 15 to 27, 1917. The aim of the conferences was to centralize the activities of the Byelorussian political groups and parties. This council superseded all previous organizations. The leadership of this new organization included members of the Central Council and the leaders of the Central Byelorussian Military Council.
The First All-Byelorussian Congress {Piersy Usiebielaruski Kanhres) convened at the initiative and through the efforts of the Supreme Byelorussian Council in Miensk on December 17-31, 1917. The Congress adopted a series of resolutions among which was one underscoring the right of the Byelorussian people for self-determination and the establishment of a democratic form of government in Byelorussia.
The Congress was presided over by Dr. Ivan Sierada. The Congress, in fact, became the First Byelorussian People’s Assembly which elected its own representatives, the Council of the First All-Byelorussian Congress {Rada Usiebielaruskaha Kanhresu) consisting of 71 members. The Council, in turn, elected the Executive Committee which was to serve as the organizing body in the process of establishing a modem constitutional democratic Byelorussian state.
The Executive Committee of the Council of the First AU-Byelorusian Congress, December 17-31, 1917. (Pykanaucy Orhan Rady 1-ha Usiebielaruskaha Kanhresu). The following political leaders were elected to the Executive Committee: Jazep Varonka, chairman and in charge of Foreign Affairs; Symon Rak-Michajlouski, MilitaryAffairs; Ivan Sierada, Interior Affairs; Makar Koscievic, Education; Alaksandar Prusynski, Labor; Paluta Badunova, Social and Welfare; Tamas Hryb, Agriculture; Lavon Zajac, in charge of Committee Affairs; other members included: Lahun, Jazep Dyla, Alaksandar Burbis, Kiuse-ciuz; representative of the Jewish Community, Gutman; delegate of the Poalei Zion, Dr. Zarubavel; Representative of the Lithuanians, Maculis; Representative of the Poles, Prystor; and Representative of the Russian Community, Zlobin.
The First Constituent Charter (Piersaya Ustaunaja Hramata) was issued in Miensk by the Executive Committee of the Council of the First All-Byelorussian Congress, February 21, 1918. The Executive Committee of the Congress, supplemented by the representatives of the revolutionary democracy of the minorities of Byelorussia, declared itself to be the Provisional Authority over Byelorussia.
The Second Constituent Charter, issued on March 9,1918 in Miensk, declared Byelorussia to be the Byelorussian Democratic Republic within its ethnographic boundaries.
The Third Constituent Charter, issued in Miensk during the night of March 24/25, 1918, proclaimed the independence of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic.
The People’s Secretariat, First (Narodny Sakrataryjat) (the Government of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic), established on February 19-21, 1918. Jazep Varonka, chairman and Foreign Affairs; I. Makrejcu, Interior; Arkadz Smolic, Education; E. Bialevic, Justice; Ivan Sierada, Economic Affairs; V. Redzka, Communication, Transportation; H. Belkind, Finances; Paluta Badunova, Social and Welfare, Housing; A. Karac, Post and Telegraph; Piotra Kreceuski, State Control; Tamas Hryb, Agriculture; Kanstantyn Jezavitau, Military Affairs; R. Zlobin, Russian Affairs; L. Gutman, Jewish Affairs; Lavon Zajac, chief of staff; Vasil Zacharka, Treasurer.
The People’s Secretariat, Second (Narodny Sakrataryjat) of the BDR: May 1918 — May 1918. The official title of the Secretariat was «The Provisional Council of Five» (Casovaja Rada Piacioch). It consisted of Jazep Varonka, Kanstantyn Jezavitau, Piotra Kreceuski, Vasil Zacharka, and E. Bialevic.
The People’s Secretariat, Third, May 1918 — June 1918. Chairman and the Prime Minister, Raman Skirmunt; Secretary of Interior, General Kandratovic; Secretary of the Treasury, Chrzanstouski, and members: Radaslau Astrouski and Paval Alaksiuk.
The People’s Secretariat, Fourth, June 1918 — June 1918. Chairman, Ivan Sierada, members: Vasil Zacharka, T. Viernikouski, and Lavon Zajac.
The People’s Secretariat, Fifth, June 1918 — December 13, 1919.* At the meeting of October 9-11, 1918 the Provisional Constitution of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic was adopted and the title the People’s Secretariat was changed to «the Council of Ministers» (Rada Ministrau). Its membership included: Chairman and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Anton Luckievic; Education, Arkadz Smolic; Justice, Alaksandar Cvikievic; Finances, Vasil Zacharka; Interior, Jazep Varonka; State Comptroller, Lavon Zajac; after a rearrangement the Council was joined by Kuzma Ciarescanka, who replaced Jazep Varonka after his resignation, and A. Ladnou, who became the Minister of MilitaryAifairs.
The Council of Ministers (Sixth), December 13, 1919 — August 23, 1923. The Cabinet of Ministers consisted of the following persons: Chairman of the Council, Vaclaii Lastoiiski; Minister of Foreign Affairs, A. Ladnou; Minister of Finances, E. Bialevic; Minister of the Interior, Tamas Hryb; Minister of Justice, Alaksandar Cvikievic; the State Comptroller, Lavon Zajac; Secretary of State, Duseuski.
The Council of Ministers (Seventh), August 23, 1923 — October 1925. Chairman of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Alaksandar Cvikievic; Education, Jazep Varonka; Finances, Vasil Zacharka; the State Comptroller, Lavon Zajac; Secretary of State, U. Prakulcvic.
The Council of Ministers (Eighth), October 1925 — March 14, 1943. Vasil Zacharka became Chairman of the Council of Ministers, October 1925. He assumed the positions of President of the Council of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic and Chair of the Council of Ministers in 1928.
* During this period of time the Soviet Republic of Byelorussia was also established. The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic was officially proclaimed in the city of Smalensk on January 1, 1919. The first government of Soviet Byelorussia as of January 1919 consisted of the following persons — non­Byelorussians: A. Miasnikow, R. Pikcl, 1. Rcingold, M. Kolmanovich, A. Andreew, K. Rozental, I. Savitskii, S. Bersan, G. Naidzionkow. S. Ivanov, and V. larkin (eleven non-Byelorussians) and eight Byelorussians: Zmicier Zylunovic, Ales Carviakoti, Jazep Dyla, Zmicier Camusevic, 1. Puzyrou, A. Kvacaniuk, Usievalad Falski, and Fabijan Santyr.
The Council of Ministers (Ninth), March 1943 — March 1946. Mikola Abramcyk assumed the Presidency and the Chairmanship of both Councils: the Council of the BDR and the Council of Ministers.
The Council of Ministers (Tenth), March 1946 — June 21, 1948. Mikola Abramcyk continued to head both Counsils.
The Sessions of the Council of the Byelorussian Democratic Repablic (Sesyi Rady BNR), from 1948 to the present (sec section on bibliography, p. 256).
The Council of the Byelorussian Democratic Republic (AWa Bieiaruskaj Narodnaj Respubliki), as the supreme elected body of the Republic, was established at the same time as the Byelorussian Democratic Republic itself.
The Council of the Republic was (and continues to be) headed by the President (Prezydent Rady Bieiaruskaj Narodnaj Respubliki). The following persons have held the position of President:
Dr. Ivan Sierada, Jazep Losik, Piotra Krecehski, Vasil Zacharka, Mikola Abramcyk, Dr. V. Zuk-Hryskievic, Dr. Jazep Sazyc,
March 1918 — June 1918.
June 1918 — December 1919.
December 1919 — March 1928.
March 1928 — March 1943.
March 1943 — May 1970.
May 1970 — November 1982.
November 1982 — the present*.
(Byelorussian Statehood. Reader and Bibliography. New York, 1988. P.p. 363—367)
Translated by Thomas E. Bird and Jan Zaprudnik
Слуцк, 14-го XI. 1920 году
Першы Беларускі Зьезд Случчыны, скліканы ў лічбе 107 дэлегатаў, вітае Раду Беларускай Народнай Рэспублікі і сьведчыць, што ўсе свае сілы аддасьць на адбудову сваей Бацькаўшчыны.
Зьезд катэгорычна пратэстуе проці акупацыі родных зямель чужацкім наездам і проці самазваннай Савецкай улады як урад Кнорына і іншыя, якія паўтвараліся на Беларусі. Бацькаўшчына наша зруйнавана чужынцамі, якія нішчаць яе і дагэтуль, і мы, аддаючы справе адбудаваньня нашай Бацькаўшчыны ўсе нашы сілы і жыцьця, зьвертаемся да ўсяго сьвету і Саюзу Народаў аб дапамозе ў стварэньні нашай вайсковай сілы.
Шчыра вітаем нашу сястру Полыпчу.
Прыняцьце ўхвалы было пакрыта воклікамі:
Няхай жыве вольная, незалежная, дэмократычная Беларуская Народная Рэспубліка ў яе этнографічных граніцах!
Няхай жыве Беларуская армія!
Няхай жыве беларускі народ!
Няхай жыве братэрства ўсіх славянскіх народаў!
Няхай жыве Беларускі Ўстаноўчы Сойм!
(Наша ніва. 2000. 27 лістап.)
* From 1997 up to the present the position of President has been held by Dr. Ivonka Survila.
Другая палова лістапада 1920 г.
У часе сусьветнай вайны, якая збурыла адны магутныя дзяржавы і вызваліла іншыя, абудзілася Беларусь да дзяржаўнага жыцьця. Пасьля 350 гадоў няволі ўзноў на ўвесь сьвет чуцен голас Беларускага Народу аб тым, што ён жыве і жыць будзе. Вялікае Нацыанальнае Сабраньне — Усебеларускі Конгрэс 5—17 сьнежня 1917 году, дбаючы аб лёсе Беларусі, устанавіў на яе землях рэспубліканскі лад і абвесьціў незалежнасьць і непадзельнасьць Беларускай Народнай Рэспублікі.
Стоячы на гэтым грунце, зьезд селянскіх прадстаўнікоў Случчыны ў ліку 107 асобаў выбраў Беларускую Раду Случчыны, якой даручыў часова ўсю цывільную ўладу ў павеце.
Беларуская Рада Случчыны, паведамленая аб намерах савецкіх войскаў, якія пасьля выйсьця польскіх аддзелаў хочуць заняць Слуцк і павет, зьневажаючы гэтым волю народу, — энергічна пратэстуе проці агрэсыўных намераў Савецкага Ўраду з Кнорыным на чале, лічучы, што гэтая акцыя Саветаў спрэчна таксама з пастановамі міравой конфэрэнцыі.
Адначасна Беларуская Рада Случчыны сваю ўладу перадасьць толькі Ўраду, створанаму Ўсебеларускім Конгрэ[с]ам 1917 году. У месяцы лістападзе 1920 г.