Пяро арлана
Выдавец: Беларусь
Памер: 211с.
Мінск 1991
In ancient time, trained peregrine falcons were highly valued by noble hunters. One falcon would be bartered for two horses or three oxen.
White-Eailed Tagle — Haliaeetus AlbiciIla. L.
The local name is "garol" (Polesye). A very large bird, brown with an ochre-coloured head and neck, white or whitish feathers at the base of the tail and white, slightly wedge-shaped tail. The bill is yellow, so are the knobs on the bill and legs. The talons are black. When the bird is in flight the tips of the wings are spread like fingers.
The male weighs up to 4,000 g and the female 5,000 g. The wings are 2.2 to 2.5 metres across, the bird is up to 950 mm long, the tail is up to 330 mm long.
The white-tailed eagle is a rare bird. According to the aborigines, in 1938—39 only four eagles were procured in the Sinkevichi forestry located along the lower reaches of the Pripet. It stands to reason then that our find in the same region was not at all a mere chance.
The white-tailed eagle is not characterized by particularly noble behaviour: it thinks nothing of eating domestic geese or storks which detached from the flock or grow weak. When in flight, it feeds on the waders' chickens and even fishes in dormant condition. But among birds of prey in this country this inhabitant of swampy and fluvial terrain is inferior to the golded eagle clone as regards its size and weight. It is so rare that even seeing it is a happy chance. Particularly at the present time when land improvement activities in the Polesye have resulted in a pronouced shrinking of the "Birds' Paradise".
Vadim Klakotsky
18 The Volcha. Here one can find the most remarkable trees and snags.
23 "Here is a boat for you, boys"...
The ringed plover is trying to lure the enemy away, while the bank swallow, having not a care in the world, gets acquainted with our property.
29 Under the surveillance of noisy magpies, Volodya and I are trudging along the Volcha.
33 The white storks from the brushwood of the floodplain are wild. They know that it is no good trusting a human.
39 On the way to the Volcha.
69 The varied Pripet. In its lower reaches it is noted for steep banks with outcrop marsh ore deposits and pre-glacial epoch peat. In its upper reaches it flows through lush haying meadows.
75 No matter where you are in the Polesye, you can feast your eye upon the scene!
77 Flowers, motley grass bees — those are the natural features of the meadows in these parts.
78 A mysterious savage — black stork — Red Data Book entry, „gaster" in local parlance.
81 Famed reed-beds of the Pinsk unreclaimed marshes. Yellow irises are shining like small lights amid the green mass.
83 The deeper in the Polesye — the more white storks.
87 The Ыаск-bellied sandpiper is a migrant bird.
91 Black-tailed godmit is a common bird, "Gritsouk” or "netyag” in local parlance.
95 The oyster catcher is gathering its chickens which have scattered at our approach.
100 The floodplain of the Lan. A colony of grey herons sheltered amidst a typical oak-grove near the river.
115 In order to find out how many sky-Ыие eggs the nest shelters the ornithologist has to climb to the top of the tree crown.
119 Unappeasable hunger drives the heron's young to snatch food from the bill of their natural brother and pester their parents for more helpings of fish.
127 Two portraits in the interior of the nursery.
130 Striving for the ideal!...
139 Just preening.
143 On the alert! The sea eagle is loose.
151 Gymnastics for the young wings.
155 Farewell, native home.
Фото Валентина Исаковича Ждановича
Текст Валентина Исаковича Ждановича и Вадима Петровича Клакокого
Минск, издательство «Беларусь»
На белорусском, русском и английском языках
Перакладчыкі на мовы: беларускую— У. I. Якубо- віч, англійскую — А. А. Вейзе.
Афармленне і мастакае рэдагаванне Л. А. Трэст- ман. Рэдактар В. А. Барушка. Рэдактар англійскага тэксту Г. П. Кажушка. Карэктары Л. I. Кароткіх, Г. К. Піскунова.
ІБ 4269.
Здадзена ў набор 16.02.90. Падпісана да друку 21.01.91. Фармат 84Х'08'/з2. Папера афс. № 1. Гарнітура журнальная. Афсетны друк. Ум. друк. арк. 10,92. Ум. фарб.-адб. 65,94. Ул.-выд. арк. 13,38. Тыраж 6400 экз. Зак. 411. ана 4 р. 10 к.
Ордэна Дружбы народаў выдаветва «Беларусь» Дзяржаўнага камітэта БССР па друку. 220600, Мінск, праспект Машэрава, 11. Мінская фабрыка каляровага друку. 220115, Мінск, Каржанеў- скага, 20. Фотанабор зроблены на Мінскім ордэна Праоўнага Чырвонага Сяга паліграфкамбінае МВПА імя Я. Коласа. 220005, Мінск, Чырвоная, 23.