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  • Гістарычны шлях нацыі і дзяржавы  Радзім Гарэцкі, Міхась Біч, Уладзімір Конан

    Гістарычны шлях нацыі і дзяржавы

    Радзім Гарэцкі, Міхась Біч, Уладзімір Конан

    Выдавец: Беларускі кнігазбор
    Памер: 348с.
    Мінск 2001
    114.6 МБ
    6.	«Events and Personalities”:
    6.1	to organize a series of scientific investigations devoted to outstanding personalities and meaningful events in every century of Belarusian history;
    6.2	to produce a series of documentaries and fiction films about famous historic personalities of Belarus;
    6.3	to produce a series of documentaries and fiction films concerning outstanding events in the Belarusian history;
    7.	«Belarusian Nobility»:
    7.1	to support the studies of the historical aspects of origin, activities, and the role played by the Belarusian nobility in the history of the Belarusian nation and state;
    7.2	to support the publication of the historical album Belarusian Nobility supplied with family trees and coats of arms of the nobility.
    8.	«Architectural Legacy»:
    8.1	to organize a series of scientific investigations and edit an album with a map of the most significant Belarusian architectural monuments;
    8.2	to develop projects and provide restoration work on the most important historic monuments of Belarus.
    9.	«Belarusian Castles”:
    9.1	to edit the map Belarus as a Country of Castles',
    9.2	to edit the album Belarusian Castles',
    9.3	to edit a series of children’s designing books Belarusian Castles',
    9.4	to organize the children’s drawing competition «Belarusian castles”;
    9.5	to provide a trip on historic places of Belarus as a reward for winners of the children’s drawing competition «Belarusian castles”;
    9.6	to write a script and photograph the popular science film Belarus as a Country of Castles.
    10.	«The History of Belarus”:
    10.1	to compile and publish the original multi-volumed edition The History of Belarus',
    10.2	to compile and publish the chronicle The History of Belarus supplied with comments;
    10.3	to edit and publish the book Ten Centuries of the History of Belarus: Main Events, Facts, and Illustrations”',
    10.4	to edit and publish a series of books Our Outstanding Countrymen',
    10.5	to edit and publish the encyclopaedia The Famous People of Belarus, the Xth-XXth c;
    10.6	to publish selected work collections by contemporary Belarusian writers;
    10.7	to reissue the book Adkul nash rod (Where We Came Front) by UI. Arlou (a number of stories on the history of Belarus for junior pupils);
    10.8	to prepare and publish booklets, post-cards, and albums;
    10.9	to edit and publish the encyclopaedia Impact of the Belarusian People into the World Community
    11.	«Military Glory of Belarus
    11.1	to carry out scientific research into the military history of Belarus with further publication of its results concerning the most important war victories and famous Belarusian general military leaders;
    11.2	to prepare and publish the historical book Military Glory of Belarus',
    11.3	to edit and publish an album on the history of Belarusian military uniforms;
    11.4	to edit and publish the album Belarusian Knighthood.
    12.	«Memorials of Belarus”:
    12.1	to prepare and publish a memorial map and catalogue of Belarus (with separate ones for Minsk) with review of the great events and outstanding personalities in the history of Belarus worthy of commendation by monuments or tablets;
    12.2	to organize competitions, work out projects, and place monuments, memorial signs, and tablets according to the above mentioned map and catalogue.
    13.	«Ecological Problems of Belarus and the Chernobyl Disaster”:
    13.1	to elaborate the ecological situation in Belarus, national health problems, and prospects for physical existence of the Belarusian nation after the Chernobyl catostrophy;
    13.2	to prepare and publish a scientific reference book on the contemporary ecological situation in Belarus and national health;
    13.3	to publish new radiological maps of the Belarusian lands polluted in the result of the Chernobyl tragedy.
    14.	«The Population of Belarus in the Past and at Present”:
    14.1	to study trends in population growth in Belarus from ancient time to the present as influenced by political, economic, and ecological factors.
    15.	«Returning of Spiritual and Historic Relics”:
    15.1	to carry out scientific research and publish a catalogue with a list of spiritual and historic relics and treasures of the Belarusians destroyed, lost, or kept in other countries;
    15.2	to take all due measures (like negotiations with state, scientific, and public organizations of other countries) to return valuable spiritual and historical relics to Belarus;
    15.3	to provide reconsruction work on damaged historic monuments and relics;
    15.4	to publish copies of the literary monuments kept outside Belarus, such as the Lithuanian metre, Belarusian chronicles, and others.
    16.	«National Liberation Movement”:
    16.1	to support the studies of the history of the Belarusian national liberation movement;
    16.2	to prepare and publish a book series with biographies of the leaders of the Belarusian national liberation movement;
    16.3	to edit and publish the album Leaders of the Belarusian National Liberation Movement.
    17.	«National Symbols”;
    17.1	to organize a competition for the best monument symbolizing the Belarusian state;
    17.2	to work out a project and place the monument in one of the central squares in Minsk.
    18.	«The Belarusian Diaspora”:
    18.1	to study history and present situation, reasons and acute problems of the political and economical emigration of the Belarusian people;
    18.2	to elaborate the work of the Belarusian diaspora and publish the results as a popular scientific book The Belarusian diaspora.
    19.	«Belarusian Topography»:
    19.1	to support the investigations of Belarusian topography;
    19.2	to prepare and publish the book Belarusian Topography,
    19.3	to initiate a process of renaming streets and avenues by their historic names or name them after famous personalities in Belarusian history.
    20.	«Museum Complexes”:
    20.1	to obtain a state status for the Museum of Ancient Belarusian Culture at the Institute of Linguistics, Ethnography, and Folklore of the National Academy of Sciences;
    20.2	to resume the work of the Ivan Lutskievich Vilnya Belarusian museum.
    21.	«Scientific and Technical Achievements»:
    21.1	to study the contribution of Belarusian scientists and exployers into the home and world science;
    21.2	to prepare and publish a reference book with information about the achievements of the Belarusian nation, its famous scientists and exployers.
    22.	«The Sports Glory of Belarus”:
    22.1	to publish the reference book The Sport Glory of Belarus-,
    22.2	to publish post-cards and stamps with images of the great Belarusian sportmen such as the Olympic champions and winners of world and European championships.
    23.	«Economics: History, Reality, and Prospects”:
    23.1	to support the investigations of the origin and development of economic relations on the territory of Belarus until nowadays;
    23.2	to analyze the contemporary ecomonic situation in Belarus and prospects for economical growth considering the geographical location of the country, its natural resourses, and the place in the world of labour;
    23.3	to publish the work Economics of Belarus: History and Prospects',
    23.4	to work on the popular scientific books Belarusian Estates and Belarusian Fairs.
    24.	«Belarus in the 3rd Millennium»:
    24.1	to prepare a series of publications sharing different views, opinions, and prospects on the place of our Motherland in the 3rd millenium.
    25.	«The 2000>H Anniversary of Chistianity»:
    25.1	to conduct a competition for the best project of the temple of All Saints of the Belarusian land;
    25.2	to work on the project and erect the temple of All Saints of the Belarusian land in Minsk.
    26.	«History and Culture of the National Minorities in Belarus»:
    26.1	to support the studies of the history of the national minorities in Belarus and their cultural development since the old times and analyze the role and contribution of their representatives to Belarusian science and culture;
    26.2	to prepare and publish the popular scientific book The History and Culture of the National Minorities in Belarus.
    27.	«Memorial Edition ‘Belarus — 2000»:
    27.1	to edit and publish the book Belarus — 2000. The History of the Belarusian Nation and State.
    Minsk	The National Public Organizing
    Committee ‘Belarus — 2000’
    Сустаршыні камітэта:
    Гарэцкі Радзім
    акадэмік Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі, замежны член Расійскай акадэміі навук, доктар геолага-мінералагічных навук, прафесар, прэзідэнт Міжнароднага грамадскага аб’яднання «Згуртаванне беларусаў свету «Бацькаўшчына»
    Петрашкевіч Алесь Адказны сакратар:
    кандыдат гістарычных навук, драматург
    Сурмач Ганна
    старшыня Рады Міжнароднага грамадскага аб’яднання «ЗБС «Бацькаўшчына»
    Сябры камітэта:
    Адамовіч Яўген
    кандыдат філалагічных навук, дацэнт Беларускага універсітэта культуры
    Акаловіч Леанід
    старшы выкладчык Беларускага дзяржаўнага педагагічнага універсітэта імя М. Танка
    Аксак Валянціна
    паэт, журналіст
    Антонава Таццяна
    Арлоў Уладзімір
    Белы Анатоль
    старшыня клуба «Спадчына»
    Біч Міхась| Брыль Янка Бураўкін Генадзь Быкаў Васіль
    доктар гістарычных навук
    народны пісьменнік Беларусі
    паэт, лаўрэат Дзяржаўнай прэміі імя Я. Купалы
    народны пісьменнік Беларусі, прэзідэнт Беларускага ПЭН-цэнтра
    Вярцінскі Анатоль
    Гілевіч Ніл
    паэт, публіцыст
    народны паэт Беларусі
    Гілеп Уладзімір
    Грыцкевіч Анатоль
    старшыня Беларускага фонду культуры
    доктар гістарычных навук, прафесар, загадчык кафедры гісторыі Беларускага універсітэта культуры
    Грыцкевіч Валянцін
    кандыдат медыцынскіх навук, старшыня Беларускага грамадскага культурнага таварыстваў Санкт-Пецярбургу, пісьменнік
    Дабравольскі Аляксандр
    намеснік старшыні Аб’яднанай грамадзянскай партыі Беларусі
    Дзягілева Галіна Дзягілеў Леанід Ермаловіч Мікола| Жучка Янка Зельскі Артур Іпатава Вольга
    мастацкі кіраўнік тэатра «Зьніч»
    загадчык кафедры Акадэміі мастацтваў Беларусі
    гісторык, пісьменнік
    старшыня Згуртавання беларусаў Бельгіі